I wear an apron, not a suit

I’m not good at doing *formal*

I like planned, organised, directional……
but I don’t like feeling shackled, tied down, required.

Being Monday, yesterday was BookClub Day. I’m really enjoying it, and the kids say they are too. In fact, one of the visitors even sent an email to say so (isn’t she lovely!) and my youngest son declared, “This is so the best”. It’s easy to enjoy an activity that gets that kind of feedback, and that is not a laborious chore. There is no sense of “having to do it” with this. The pleasure is all mine!

Then, to make it even better……..this morning we had to take Dadda to work. Actually, that’s not the better part…..it meant a very early start and it also meant not getting lunchtime’s bread made before the book-club-ies turned up on the doorstep. Spontaneity reigned supreme and we started our session with bread-roll-forming, while the very littlest girls creamed butter and sugar for a poppy seed cake before they were whisked away to a library visit. Definite advantage to doing this kind of thing at home!

One could argue we should have been more organised. And perhaps we should have been. But life happens and I am thankful to be doing life with people who understand and who will get their hands sticky and be spontaneous with us.
And you know what? It didn’t stop us from doing the stuff we had planned. In fact, after the book reading, egg dyeing and a great discussion about honesty and faith and emigration and giving (in which the tongues are loosening more and more as each session progresses), we even had time for some unplanned poetry writing and a little foray into debating.

We ate the poppyseed cake and bread rolls for lunch. That, too, was an informal affair with bodies sprawled on the ground and perched on stools.

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